Pinburgh 2002 features three divisions of singles play: A, B, and C. There is no doubles play (except possibly in mini-tournaments), and we do not have a separate Women's division. Women are players just like anyone else, and should enter in whichever division they choose!

The C division is suitable for casual players, first-time competitors, and other novices. The B division is suitable for players with league or tournament experience, or anyone looking for a greater challenge and potential reward. The A division is for league or tournament champions and other world-class players.

The guaranteed prize package for these divisions is as follows.

A Division
B Division
C Division
1st Place $2500 $750 $250 plus trophy!
2nd Place $1000 $250 $125 and plaque
3rd Place $250 $150 $50 and plaque
4th Place $100 $50 $25 and plaque
Top Qualifier $300 $150 $50
Total Prize Package: $6000!

All players are required to register before entering the qualifying rounds. Registration is only $5, and allows each player to purchase as many subsequent entries as he or she likes. When you register, you may specify a league affiliation if you have one. Pre-registration has closed on June 17.

The price for each entry in each division is shown below. Each player may enter repeatedly within their division, although each purchased entry must be played completely (or voided) before another entry may be purchased. A player may move up to a higher division by purchasing a new entry, but may not move down to a lower division. For the complete details on pricing, please read our pricing page.

A Division B Division C Division
$15 $10 $5

Because our tournament format does not offer a "bye" to top qualifiers, the "Top Qualifier" awards are a special reward for being on top at the end of the qualifying rounds. This cash bonus will be awarded at the beginning of final rounds on Sunday.

Please note that all money taken in goes towards meeting expenses, including the guaranteed prize package of $6000. Excess money, if any, will be retained towards the finance of next year's Pinburgh.

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updated June 17, 2002